Abilities of self-revelation by the students of creative directions of preparation: retrospective analysis

  • Черемискина Ирина Игоревна

    I.I. Cheremiskina. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Koldina E.V.

    E.V. Koldina. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Vladivostok. Russia


Results  of  empirical  research  of  future  representatives  of  creative  specialities,  namely the students of artonomic directions of preparation are presented in article. Such kind of professional work requires from the person special abilities, not characteristical for the
most of the representatives of the population. Within forecasting of success of development  by  them  of  professional  skills  question  about  sensibleness  and  independence  of made professional choice sharply stands. One of factors of such is a sharp representation
of its own abilities and comprehension of the reasons of their detection. The problem of research was that there is no psychological tool for revealing of designated subject. Retrospective analysis that was used is subjective method, however it is represented possi-
ble for use, though to consequence it can be complemented also with method objective, for  example,  expert  evaluation.  Used  approach,  in  aggregate  with  polling  methods  allowed to designate the mechanisms of abilities self-revelation by the students. The most often met mechanism is an  external incentives of  success in creative activity that promoted seeking to further self-realization in it and choosing the appropriate direction of preparation. Polling methods showed conformity of abilities of students to chosen direc-
tions of preparation.
Keywords: the students of creative directions of preparation, special abilities, abilities self-
revelation, retrospective analysis.